Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shopping Fun!

Thanks to Mom, Lori, Jack & Kenny for the gift cards for Christmas. I was able to buy Baby B tons of clothes!!! I never thought clothes shopping for him would be just as much fun (or more) as clothes shopping for me! Check out the stuff....

There were sales everywhere!!!!! Look at the little boots.......

I am having a hard time finding footsie pajamas (preferably cotton) in size 18m-24m. All I come across is sizes for 12m and younger. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to look???

Hopefully we will hear something this week about our court date. Please keep you fingers and toes crossed and send all your positive thoughts this way!!!!!!



Sunday, January 11, 2009

No news yet...

Hi everyone,

We have not received a court date yet. Russia is still in holiday mode and we don't expect to hear anything until the week January 19. Needless-to-say we are itching to go back.

Baby B's room is a work in progress. We went with the jungle theme for the crib. It is really cute and soft. The rug was just delievered and we purchased a rocking chair this morning. Now I need a comforter set for the bed and some accessories.
For those of you who don't know the crib was my nephew Kenny's crib that he slept in maybe 5 times 18 years ago. Lori and Jack held on to it until about 6 years ago when we took it off their hands. We were really grateful that we had it-- but an 18 year old crib does not come with assembly instructions. After about 3 hours and endless searches on the internet we were able to come up with instructions for a similar crib. We knew it was put together right when we realized we ran out of parts.
I really love the colors we chose. Check out the pics.... I have to say that it looks better in person.

Everybody has been asking if we registered--- we finally did it this weekend. We are registered with Target and Baby's R Us. Since he is not an infant (as a matter of fact he is a solid 1 year old)trying to figure out what we need has not been very easy. We registered for clothes starting at 24 months and up. Anyone's suggestions as what we need is welcomed!
Talk to you soon!