Our bags are packed (mostly), the house is clean (sort of) and we are ready to go (oh yes!) It has been a busy week. Both John and I worked late all week and then tried to get as much done as we could at night (which means very little!) so we ran around and did everything we could today.
I am overwhelmed with so many emotions that I can’t keep track of anything!!! In 4 days we will be a family of 3. This has been such an amazing adventure!
We are leaving tomorrow and will be returning on March 25. Our schedule for the next 10 days looks like this:
Tomorrow night leave JFK go to Paris (hopefully on time) change planes and get to St. Petersburg Monday afternoon.
Tuesday we are running around filing paperwork. Somewhere between today and Wednesday we will pick up some baby food and diapers.
Wednesday is gotcha day!!!!!!! I am not sure what time we are picking Baby B up—the sooner the better! I believe we have to get passport pictures taken of him today.
Thursday – I have no idea what we are doing—hopefully we will get quality time just the 3 of us.
Friday we pick up our paperwork.
Saturday fly to Moscow. (Baby B’s first ride on an airplane)
Sunday on our own in Moscow.
Monday and Tuesday US Embassy—Medical exams for Baby B and putting together his citizenship paperwork.
Wednesday we fly to home as a family of 3!!!
I will be updating the blog daily and John has packed the attached to download all pictures. Stay tuned everybody.